The Webel Q&A system: Refund Policy
This web page concerning the Webel Question & Answer (Q&A) system of Webel IT Australia is provided for digital sales compliance, and supplements the Terms & Conditions.
The following STATEMENT refers to paid subscriptions to the Webel Q&A system as hosted on the Wolfram Cloud infrastructure (it does not refer to Consultancy or Education services of Webel IT Australia).
In the following STATEMENT 'you' refers to you as a subscribing customer and 'user' of the Webel Q&A system (the online 'service').
STATEMENT: Refund Policy: Version# v2025-01-10A
In accordance with Australia Consumer Law for service provision, Webel IT Australia offers a refund negotiation procedure through direct contact via this contact form. Your application for a refund does not automatically entitle you to a refund. Requests for refunds will be considered on a per-case basis, and where granted, may take the form of a partial refund only as negotiated.
Webel IT Australia does not refund your subscription in any of the following cases:
- Service disruption caused by instability of the hosting Wolfram Cloud infrastructure.
- Loss of access due to your own mismanagement of your user access credentials.
- Loss of your Answer response data or Settings data during system re-deployments, system maintenance, and system upgrades.
- Your disagreement with Answers deemed by Webel IT Australia to be correct for Q&A items authored by and curated by Webel IT Australia. (You are welcome to contact Webel IT Australia about contested Answers.)
- Your possible disatisfaction with the Webel IT Australia training resources for your purposes, many examples of which are available openly to the public online for your prior inspection before purchasing your subscription on the Webel IT Australia site. It is noted that Webel IT Australia is an official Object Management Group (OMG) Accredited Training Provider for SysML.
- In the case where you are using the Webel Q&A system to aid your study for the Object Management Group (OMG) Certified Systems Modeling Language™ (SysML®) Professional (OCSMP) certification exams, Webel IT Australia does not offer refunds should you unfortunately fail to pass any or all of the OMG OCSMP exams.
- Your possible identification of differences between Answers provided by Webel IT Australia to Questions hosted by the Webel Q&A system and answers deemed by the OMG to be correct for OCSMP exam questions on similar topics is NOT a valid ground for claiming a refund. The Webel Q&A system is oriented on the OMG specifications for the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Systems Modeling Language (SysML), and does not reproduce questions from the OMG OCSMP exams, the official answers to which may themselves not in fact in all cases be correct or fully consistent. You are solely responsible for the answers you choose to provide if sitting the OCSMP exams.
The Webel Q&A online service relies on infrastructure components that are beyond the remit of Webel IT Australia, including, but not limited to: the Wolfram Cloud and Internet Service Provider (ISPs). Whilst Webel IT Australia endeavours to offer you a stable Q&A self-study service, Webel IT Australia cannot guarantee that there will not be intermittent service disruptions, and does not offer refunds due to intermittent service disruptions.
As stated under the accompanying Terms & Conditions, your access key is registered to one email address and in your name and to you alone as an individual. Unauthorised sharing of your access key will result in automatic cancellation of your account access without refund. If your subscription was acquired for you as a member of an affiliated organisation, your access key is nevertheless issued to and registered to you alone as an individual, and may NOT be shared internally amongst other members within that organisation. Any such unauthorised sharing of your access key within your affiliated organisation will result in automatic cancellation of your account access without refund.
If it is determined that you have breeched the Copyright terms of the content of the Webel Q&A service, Webel IT Australia reserves the right to cancel your account access without refund. Possible breeches of copyright include, but are not limited to: downloading content copies to your local machine or taking screenshots without the prior explicit written permission of Webel IT Australia; taking video screencasts of training video resources; unauthorised distribution of content to 3rd parties through any means whatsoever, digital or otherwise.