The Webel Q&A system: Terms & Conditions

This web page with Terms & Conditions (aka Terms of Service) for use of the Webel Question & Answer (Q&A) system of Webel IT Australia is provided for digital sales compliance, and reproduces as a static web page the Terms & Conditions form page of the Webel Q&A system hosted on the Wolfram Cloud infrastucture. This web page is offered for information and for digital sales compliance purposes only and your reading of this web page does not alone constitute acceptance of the Terms & Conditions. These Terms & Conditions are supplemented by the accompanying Privacy Policy and Refund Policy pages.

On payment of your subscription you will receive your Webel Q&A system login details (including a unique access key specific to your user account and registered email address), which will initially direct you to the Terms & Conditions form page on the Webel Q&A system. To enter the system, you must accept the Terms & Conditions on the Webel Q&A system form page. The date and time of your acceptance will be recorded, and you may download a PDF copy of the versioned Terms & Conditions as accepted or your personal records.

In the following STATEMENT 'this server' refers to the Wolfram Cloud infrastructure that hosts the Webel Q&A system (it does not refer to this web page or the web server for this web page).

In the following STATEMENT 'this service' refers to the Webel Q&A system as hosted on the Wolfram Cloud infrastructure.

In the following STATEMENT 'you' refers to you as a subscribing customer and user of the Webel Q&A system (the online 'service').

As of March 2025, the following STATEMENT version refers specifically to a prototype version of the Webel Q&A offered to subscribing customers under a Early Access Beta Plan

STATEMENT: Terms & Conditions: Version# v2025-01-10A

You understand that this is a prototype Question & Answer (Q&A) system, offered to you under a Beta Plan early access arrangement. You understand that, as a prototype system, this system may be subject to intermittent service interruptions during upgrades, re-deployments, and uploading of new and/or updated Question Sets.

Webel IT Australia does not take responsibility for stability of the supporting Wolfram Cloud infrastructure.

By accepting these Terms & Conditions you also accept the Wolfram Privacy Policy for web browser HTTP cookie use required for full operation of this Q&A system hosted on the Wolfram Cloud platform of Wolfram Research Inc.

You hereby accept that the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your requesting device may be recorded for purposes of operation of the service. Webel IT Australia does not share IP request data with 3rd parties.

You hereby acknowledge that your access key is registered to one email address and in your name and to you alone as an individual, and that unauthorised sharing of your access key will result in automatic cancellation of your account without refund. If your subscription was acquired for you as a member of an affiliated organisation, your access key is nevertheless issued to and registered to you alone as an individual, and may NOT be shared internally amongst other members within that organisation.

You understand that the primary access mode for Questions is via the main Index/Search page and that URLs for specific individual Question pages are not guaranteed to be stable between Q&A Set deployments.

You understand that if you enable Tracking Mode under your Settings that your responses to Questions are stored on this server. Webel IT Australia does not share data stored on the this server with 3rd parties, and your stored response data is used for the sole purpose of improving your Q&A self-study user experience. You acknowledge that Webel IT Australia cannot currently guarantee preservation of your Answer response data between re-deployments of this prototype system.

You understand that if you choose NOT to enable Tracking Mode (so that your Answer response data is not saved on this server) you will not have access to all features.

You understand that if you switch your Settings from Tracking Mode ENABLED to Tracking Mode DISABLED any previously saved Answer responses may be permanently deleted.

You hereby acknowledge that, whilst this Q&A system can help you learn more about the topics, this system does not alone replace the full Webel Workshop Courses or Webel's Live Online Educational Consultancy web sessions.

You hereby acknowledge that Webel IT Australia cannot guarantee the accuracy of those Answers indicated to be correct, nor of accompanying Explanations, nor of any offered interpretations of language specifications.

Concerning OMG-Certified Systems Modeling Language™(SysML®) Professional (OCSMP) certification exams: You hereby acknowledge that if you use this system to support your study for the OCSMP exams you are responsible for any answer responses you provide during said OCSMP exams. You hereby acknowledge that – whilst this Q&A system can help you prepare for the OCSMP exams – Webel IT Australia cannot guarantee your success in any OCSMP exams. You understand that Webel IT Australia is NOT permitted to divulge details of OCSMP exam questions, and that requests for specific information about OCSMP exam questions will be denied.

You hereby acknowledge that downloading or taking screenshots or otherwise recording any part of this Q&A system without the explicit prior written or emailed permission of Webel IT Australia is forbidden, and that content may not be shared in any form, digital or otherwise, with 3rd parties. Breeches of Copyright may be punishable by law in your national jurisdiction and/or under International Copyright Law.

Access to this system by other training professionals or members of other training organisation is strictly forbidden without the explicit prior written or emailed permission of Webel IT Australia. You hereby confirm that you are not an unauthorised member of another training organisation.

Unauthorised access to this self-study Q&A system by any means is punishable by law.

You hereby acknowledge that Webel IT Australia has sought specific approval to reproduce, solely for educational purposes, selected quoted extracts from Object Management Group (OMG) language specification documents, and that the Copyright in any text and figures from OMG specifications reproduced in this system for educational purposes remains with the OMG and with specific partners as listed in the foreword of said OMG specifications.

You hereby acknowledge that this Q&A self-study system developed by Webel IT Australia is not officially endorsed by the Object Management Group (OMG).